We are living in this world happily. We are just concern about our daily life but did you know that every year, many people have been executed because of the death penalty. Hundreds of people have been executed every year. Many countries always debates about the issue regarding to the death penalty. They debate if the death penalty should be removed to their law or not. They always debate if the death penalty is good or bad to their country.
Let ask ourselves, is the death penalty is good or bad? Is the death penalty a justice or not? I read some article about this issue. This article is called:
“Death Penalty: 10 Myths and Facts about the Death Penalty”by Clive Stafford Smith. In this article, it will show to us the answer regarding to the issue that always debating by many countries. Here is the three (3) that I think major myths and facts inside the article.
- Those people who said to be not guilty regarding to the crime that they commit were no executed. Those prisoners that have been proven to be guilty were the only one who has been executed.
“Fact #1: Professionals in the justice system know that innocent people have been executed.”
"20 years spent on death row before exoneration shows a failure of the system, not its success."
- According to Marc Callcut, that this law is a failure. Well I believe that many innocent people had been executed. According to Victoria Advocate: “Out of 95 inmates that were executed, I believe 15 were innocent.” As I think further, I realize that this policy is just like a killer or a murderer and its victim is those who are in the death row. It seems like the law is murdering innocent people.
“Myth #2: The death penalty reduces crime”
- They believe that the death penalty can reduce crime. They believe that when there is the death penalty law, some criminals will be afraid to commit a crime and those murderers will not commit any murder.
“Fact #2: The death penalty does not deter crime. It stimulates it.”
- I believe that the death penalty doesn't reduce the cases of crime including the murder. Those criminals will find a way to do a crime that can be hidden in the public so in this case the death penalty has no effect to the number of cases of crime.
“Myth #3: The death penalty applies to everyone equally.”
- In this myth, it said that all of us can be given a death penalty. It said that even if you are famous, rich and even if you’re from different races or a government official you are not exempted to the death penalty. Is it true that every one of us can be given a death penalty equally? Let’s take a look about the fact.
“Fact #3: People who are convicted of the same crime receive vastly different penalties, across the world and within the same country or even case.”
"One of you two is gonna hang for this. Since you're the nigger, you're elected." - Texas police officer to Clarence Brandley, charged with the murder of a white high school girl. Brandley was later exonerated in 1990 after ten years on death row.
- In my opinion, death penalty is not given to people equally. In century and even today, discrimination is the top problem of some people. There is discrimination according to your race, (like the example above) others are discrimination between the poor people and the rich people. This is a sad truth that many people discriminate other people. Some people just learn accept the reality and they just said that justice in not fair to all kinds or races of people
As I think further in the selection or article that was said earlier, I realize the answer in the question: Is the death penalty a good thing or a bad thing? Well, this is my answer, God give every one of us a very important gift that no one can buy – yes, our life so why we need to kill each other? For me having a death penalty policy or law is like having a murder because killing is a murder and we don’t want to commit any crime. I know that the crime will not decrease even though we have a death penalty policy. All people change so why don’t we give a chance for those criminals and murderers to change inside the prison.